
Il miglior fabbro

«The Waste land, lines 60-62:

Unreal City,
Under the brown fog of a winter dawn,
A crowd flowed over London Bridge, so many...

In the original draft of the poem, these same lines (I, 114-16) ran as follows:

Unreal City, I have sometimes seen and see,
Under the brown fog of your winter dawn,
A crowd flowed over London Bridge, so many...

As in other similar passages in the manuscript (II, 22; III, 145-9), Pound intervenes here with great energy. Rings of disapproval, crossing out: 'your' disappears, as does the narrating I of the previous line. The Waste Land has to be depersonalized: it must become an utterance that tells its own story - voices without a body. In the last resort, fragments.»

Franco Moretti, Modern epic

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